Like the great leader that you are, you registered the team for you and your friends. Great work, captain! Now it is time to add your friends to the roster. 

Here's what you need to do:

  1. Once registered, navigate to the Teams page.
  2. Select your team registration and then the + Players button.
  3. Choose who to send a roster invite to:
    • Previous Teams: You can check off players from previous team rosters to quickly send them roster invites.
    • Via Email: Enter the player's email address you want to invite and press the + button to add the email to the queue.
  4. Send it!

Invitees will be sent an email that includes your team and league details. They will need to log in to or create their player profile to view the roster invite on their teams' page. From there, they need to complete the player waiver to accept your roster invite. 

This ensures that everyone on your team roster has signed a waiver, and is a sanctioned JAM Sports player.